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Corner Inspector

the Corner Inspector

Use the Corner Inspector to adjust the style of any shape corners formed where two straight line segments meet.

IMPORTANT: Straight line segments must be part of the same shape for a corner style to be applied.

Start by selecting the shape(s) to work with. You can select and work with multiple shapes at the same time.

Select the Corner checkbox to add corners with a default Radius style.

If the Corner checkbox shows a dash Checkbox dash icon, this indicates that the current selection contains at least one shape with existing corners and at least one shape with no corners. To continue editing all of the selected shapes together, click the Corner checkbox to change the dash to a tick. This adds default Radius corners to any shape that previously had none.

To remove corners from a shape without deleting the shape, simply deselect the Corner checkbox.

To adjust corner style:

Click one of the style icons to select which corner style to use. Choose from the following available styles:

Rounds: Radius or Scoop.

Straights: Chamfer or Notch.

Loops: Twist, Ear, Knot or Swirl.

For the two Straight corner styles also optionally adjust the Smooth slider to add blending radii.

To adjust corner size:

Select either % or = to specify corner size as a percentage, or actual size. Percentages are based on the length of the shorter of the two incoming line segments.

Enter the size value by moving the large slider control, by typing in the input field directly, or via the adjacent clicker control.

NOTE: Percentage size values have a permitted range of 0-100% for most of the corner styles (0-1000% for the Twist and Knot), or 0-5000mm for actual values.

For all of the corner styles, apart from the Twist and Knot, the maximum size of a corner is limited by the length of the shorter of the two incoming line segments. Once a corner is at its maximum permitted size, any further increases to the size value will have no effect on that particular corner, whilst other corners may continue to grow.

Select the Match All to Smallest checkbox to limit the size of all of a shape's corners to the corner with the smallest maximum permitted size.

NOTE: This option is only active when corner size is being specified as an actual size and is disabled when specifying corner size as a percentage.

To apply corner style within particular ranges of corner angles:

The default setting is for the selected corner style to be applied to all of a shape's corners (which are formed from two straight line segments). All of the angle range icons are selected and highlighted blue.

Click as many of the six angle range icons as desired to deselect them and remove the corner style from these angle ranges. Here are the different angle ranges available:

Acute: Less than 90°.

Right Angle: Exactly 90°.

Obtuse: More than 90°, but less than 180°.

Reflex: More than 180°, but less than 270°.

Exactly 270°.

Reflex: More than 270°, but less than 360°.

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