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Document Window Tabs

iStudio Publisher supports use of the macOS app tabs feature, which first became available in macOS 10.12 Sierra (and isn't present in earlier versions of macOS).

App tabs provide an alternative to opening multiple document windows - you can open any combination of different documents, and different views of the same document, in different tabs in one document window. Multiple document windows can still also be opened, each with its own tabs.

IMPORTANT: To start using tabs you will first need to show the tab bar.

To show the tab bar:

Step 1

Choose menu option View.

Step 2

Select Show Tab Bar.

To open a new tab:

Click the "+" button on the tab bar to open a new tab, containing a new document.

To select tabs:

Once you have multiple tabs open, you have two different ways to select which tab you want to display, as follows:

Either, click the tab you want to select.

Or, choose the Window menu option, and then click the tab you want to select, from the list at the bottom of the Window menu.

The active tab will be light gray in color, and the inactive tabs are a darker gray.

To reorder tabs:

Drag a tag left or right.

To close tabs:

Once you have multiple tabs open, you have two different ways to close tabs, as follows:

Either, click the "X" icon, which appears on the left end of any tab when you hover the mouse over it.

Or, with the tab you want to close selected, choose menu option File > Close Tab.

NOTE: When a window contains only one tab, the above options are no longer available, and the Close Tab keyboard shortcut ( ⇧⌘W  Shift-Command-W) will now instead apply menu option File > Close Window.

To move a tab to another document window:

Once you have multiple tabs open, you have two different ways to move a tab to a different window, as follows:

Either, drag a tab away from its existing document window. Drop it away from any document window to create a new window, or drop it on the tab bar of another document window to add it to that window.

Or, with the tab you want to move to a new window selected, choose menu option Window > Move Tab to New Window.

To merge all document windows and tabs: that all get placed in separate tabs in one document window:

Choose menu option Window > Merge All Windows.

To specify when documents open in a tab:

Step 1

Choose menu option  > System Preferences.

Step 2

Click the “Prefer tabs when opening documents” pop-up menu, and then choose an option - Always, In Full Screen Only, or Manually.

By default, documents open in tabs only when an app is full screen.

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Manage windows on Mac

Manage windows on the desktop (macOS 10.12 Sierra)