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Creating a Rectangular Text Box

A text box is a rectangle that has no line stroke and no color fill, although you can change these properties using the Inspectors.

To draw a rectangular text box:

Select any of the Pointer Tool, Text Tool, Reshaping Tool or Rotation Tool.

Hold down the Command key and drag to draw a rectangular text box having a single text column. A 'Text Box' label is displayed during drawing.

When drawing is completed, a text cursor is auto-inserted in the text column and the Text Tool is auto-selected, ready for text input.

Alternatively, you can use the Text Box Tool, as described here:

Alternatively, if you drag and drop text onto an area of page or canvas containing no shapes, a new rectangular text box will be created automatically to hold the text.

NOTE: Optionally, use the Shift key modifier during drag and drop to force the creation of a new shape container to hold drag and drop contents, even when you drop over an existing shape.

Related Topics

About Text Containers

Adding Text to an Existing Shape

Creating a Shaped Text Container

Adjusting Text Column Layout

Drag and Drop

The Inspectors