4.4 – Text Containers Inspector
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April 1, 2011 | Posted by Andy
Btw, it takes real skill to make DTP programs ‘simple’. Anyone can do complex. You and your crew are to be commended for this program. Its simplicity is just one of the reasons I have no hesitation in recommending your program to others.
Sledgehammer Simple
I recently released the 24th issue of my ezine, once again created with iStudio Publisher!
Feel free to use the ezine as an example if you wish (issues 22-24 were done with iSP).
I have been using Istudiopublisher for about a month now and already confident that it will fulfill all my needs. I have spent much time using Apple’s Pages and find istudio was way easier to follow. Everything seems much more logical and at your fingertips.
Support was quick and 100% helpful, thank you Andy. Great purchase.
Paul V